Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS)


Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is a way to help students succeed in school. Blending behavior theory and effective instruction, PBIS supports all students through interventions ranging from a school-wide system to individualized plans for specific students. School-wide PBIS focuses on the development and implementation of pro-active procedures and practices used to prevent problem behaviors for all students and to improve the school climate.


Students at Success Academy are expected to adhere to the school community values of respect, responsibility and integrity. In all aspects of the school, (whether in the classroom, hall, bathrooms, cafeteria, etc.) It is important for students to learn that different environments have different behavioral expectations; Success Academy’s school campus is not any different.


At Success Academy, administrators, faculty, and all school staff use various interventions to support the needs of all students. It is the goal of the staff to understand the individual needs of each student and develop a specific intervention plan to assist them with additional support.

Staff will use various interventions to proactively address low level behaviors that students display. The following list includes a few basic common interventions used to keep students positively engaged in the classroom and school community.

Common Interventions

  • Positive Praise
  • Reflection
  • Behavior Contracts
  • Verbal Prompt
  • Non-verbal prompt
  • Planned Ignoring
  • Providing Proximity
  • Distraction
  • Providing Alternatives
  • Role-Modeling
  • Do-over
  • Teaching Life Skills
  • Demonstrating Appropriate Boundaries
  • Positive Reinforcement
  • Praise and Encouragement
  • Providing Routines

LiveSchool Points

LiveSchool points are used as an immediate positive reinforcement when students are demonstrating above and beyond positive behaviors in the school community. Staff will keep a tally of all points earned by each student